Accessibility Trainings and Workshops

A UM WebID account is required for Digital Accessibility Solutions live workshops and webinars listed below.

Check out a full list of Training Workshops at the University.

Upcoming Accessibility Workshops

Workshop Schedule
01/30 Introduction to Blackboard Ultra (Zoom): Blackboard Ultra Course View is modern and intuitive with streamlined workflows to improve efficiency. There are several ways to get started in Blackboard Ultra, including using pre-built templates. In this online workshop, we will share the Ultra features and discuss practical strategies for building your course in Blackboard.
2:30 - 4:00, Zoom, Amelia Robbins
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01/31 Introduction to Blackboard Ultra (Zoom): Blackboard Ultra Course View is modern and intuitive with streamlined workflows to improve efficiency. There are several ways to get started in Blackboard Ultra, including using pre-built templates. In this online workshop, we will share the Ultra features and discuss practical strategies for building your course in Blackboard.
10:00 - 11:30, Zoom, Amelia Robbins
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01/31 Setting Up & Managing Your Gradebook in Bb Ultra (Zoom): We'll explore the Ultra Gradebook with an emphasis on the grading workflows and the flexible grading interface, as well as options, configuration, and settings; and suggestions for setting up and managing your course gradebook.
2:30 - 3:30, Zoom, Amelia Robbins
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02/06 Introduction to Blackboard Ultra (Zoom): Blackboard Ultra Course View is modern and intuitive with streamlined workflows to improve efficiency. There are several ways to get started in Blackboard Ultra, including using pre-built templates. In this online workshop, we will share the Ultra features and discuss practical strategies for building your course in Blackboard.
2:30 - 4:00, Zoom, Amelia Robbins
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